Friday, October 12, 2007

I've Had An Insanely Busy Week...

...hence the little vacation I've been forced to take from providing the kind of clever, insightful political commentary this site is known for. I only have a few seconds free right now – not a lot of time, really – so I thought I'd just pop in to write this about Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize win: suck it, Republicans.
Thank you.


Unknown said...

The Nazi Barbie they had on CNN to offer a Republican response once again trotted out the line that there is "widespread" debate about the existence of global warming. I almost fell off my chair when the anchor actually broke in to say, "I'm sorry, you're wrong about that." Is mainstream media growing a backbone?

Unknown said...

(One can only assume, by the way, that the fascist spokesmodel had Boortz's mighty coalition of 500 scientists in mind when she attempted to portray global warming dissidents as anything but a politically-motivated lunatic fringe.)